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March Events
Please check out our information page for updated club info!!

Week of March 24th

Monday, March 24th
Stop by for a beverage

Tuesday Lunch

Tuesday, March 25th

Wednesday, March 26th
Tickets sold
4:30 - 6:30
Drawing @ 7:00

Wednesday, March 26th

Thursday, March 27th
Stop by for a beverage

Friday, March 28th
Trish & Crew Dinner
6:00 - 7:30

Saturday, March 29th

Sunday, March 30th

Officer Nominations

Please help us
collect Can Tops.
They can be dropped off at
the Eagles during opening hours.
Can Tops are collected
and will be taken to the
Ronald McDonald House who provides family-centered care to children and their families.
We Appreciate and Thank you for your support!!!

Save the Date

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